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Showing posts from 2014

New thoughts and new way of thinking!

            Ah! I am about to say this wonderful incident which took place in "mydream avenue" at "some timeduringmysleep". Well,now you got it,right?(it's a fantasy that I am about to deliver). Yes,it is really worth reading( Please don't confuse that I am bragging for readers at the moment). But, this tiny little incident will give you an idea about the current generation in India, jokes apart at least in Kerala.             Two kids were standing near the gate of some school somewhere in my city(don't forget the place that I had mentioned in the first para). From their somewhat hurried lip movements, I could smell a horrible day that had just passed by for the 13 year old looking kids(oh! yeah they seemed like kids,the reason which you will find about in the next few lines). I took a few steps towards them. "Oh! you are so girlish Varun... Otherwise...Otherwise you would have dropped your habit of picking up things from here and there,and t

The Indian Judicial System-How can you fly without wings?

Let  me present to you an analogue to the Indian Judicial System. Once upon a time exactly 64 years ago , during one of the celebrated hours of the day a child was born.Sonny was actually born on  26th January 1950.The same day his jubilant dad bought him a gift ,a 1950 model car. Even though the gift was brought in with a prologue that it would commemorate his son's birthday,it was actually meant for the whole family. The car was treated to be a priceless possession and was flaunted every time, given an opportunity. Things went fine,since Sonny's 10th birthday. They had their occasional drives,rides and party.Until that particular day,no one had actually realized about their ailing member in the family.Yes,the car.It was showing glimpses of ageing. All of a sudden it had started producing noises as creepy and irritating ,at times even overtaking little Sonny's screams.But his dad persisted on going on with their 10 year old friend.In another 10 years the car was n