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  Silence, pin-drop silence! I knew someone had to initiate a conversation, otherwise the situation was not heading for a “bright future”. The sound of cool air pumped out from the AC vents and some aggressive gear-shifts made by Ravi’s father, that was the only audible thing until then. The old Hyundai Santro had a really nice AC that, even I was shivering at the back.             “Lucky me! Just missed! Otherwise I’d have been taken by them too. Man, you are having a really bad time.” At last I broke the silence, by delivering the carefully made out sentence which I had been thinking since we got into the car from Police Station.             “Exactly! What worse could happen? We were just discussing things at the shop next to the college entrance. Seemed like it was all planned. Somebody sold us out.” Ravi replied with a gust of anger and disappointment.              “Like it’d be hard for you to get a good night sleep, if things were not mooted tonight itself. You guys kne
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