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The serious malayalee and a light movie.Perfect retardation!

Aanandam a movie portraying the story of a college tour, released in 2016 is not the talk of this write-up. But yes it is! 

Being a lazy movie buff I often get into this habit of prolonged movie watching spree. And that's how I got to see this movie a few days back on Television. During the time of it's release, I still remember my "over-hyped" movie critic friends tagging it as an extremely "Panjara" movie. One of the DQ(aka Dulquer Salman)fan who was all praise for a movie like "Bangalore Days" seemed very disappointed by this effort. In fact, I thought his gang in college would like this movie the most. Given, the fact that they were the No.1 "Panjara" team in my class and the first thing I was reminded of was their gang, after watching the film. Now that college is over this discussion is irrelevant. Sorry "Panjara" team!

Coming back to the movie. Honestly speaking(Oh! Forgot the fact that I was writing), I wished If my college tour had a tinge of "Aanandam", after watching it. "A-light-romantic-tour-Breezer",is the phrase I prefer to wrap it with. But why was it not glorified among the target audience, mainly college students. I think I know the answer. 

We are malayalees! We find pleasure in pointing out imperfections and we are damn serious; except while flirting. We are romantic at heart but hates anything explicit. We value friendship a lot but, we corner the weaker of our friends like wolves and bully them. We are incredibly possessive and mischievously jealous. We can never be coward but can easily slip out of any situation.

Hence it is proved that we cannot accept "Aanandam".In case if you didn't know, our tour was better!

PS: My views are entirely based on my friend circle and this blog is weakly based on the above mentioned circle.


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